Don't. Ever. Get a haircut on the street. In Calcutta. Or anywhere, for that matter. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea. My bangs needed a trim, and I was heading for two weeks of contemplation and stillness, and I knew that they would drive me crazy. This is the result...
But the experience was hilarious. Positively worth waiting for six weeks of growout. We had 10 hours in Calcutta between trains, and I had mentioned to Gerdien that I would like to get a bang trim if we saw a place. A few minutes later, out of heaven (!) appears a very kind Indian man, sitting in a 3' x 3' spot on the sidewalk where he has set up shop, with another man before him getting a haircut. And it was a really nice haircut. For a man. So I thought, perfect! Divine intervention. I am MEANT to get my haircut here. I sit down, tell him I just want a "little bit" cut, and I pinch my fingers to represent a half-inch or so. "OK" he replies with a headbob. I should have known...
"Thank you," I said unenthuasiastically as if to say "Thank you, I guess", as he was very proud of his work. As were the 30 or so people who had gathered in the street to watch the guillotine take place. Since then, I have three different people ask me if I was Russian! This has never happened before, so I take that to mean that Russian people are known for the dramatic bang effect. Now I know.
Oh well. It's only hair...
I laughed so hard that I pee'd my pants while trying to read this to my family! Love the new hair! You look like Erika! Have fun! Love you! Andi
Pam! I've been following your blog non-stop, but wanted to take a moment to send you this thought: You are an inspiration to me. I've told you this many times before, but I think so few people are truly fearless in their life as you are. The hair cut is one very small example. He he. You have immersed yourself into a new world and new culture and when I read your postings and see your photos it is so clear that you are not a stranger in any of these places you visit. Just as you have embraced your new friends and geographies, they to have have embraced you. Following your travels has brought me to tears on a Sunday morning in Seattle. Tears of pure joy to see such beautiful hope, spirit and energy alive in this world through you. You are such a special person and I just had to write and tell you that this morning. All my love and energy is with you right now. I hope you can feel it and take it into your day with you. Take care and I look forward to more entries of your amazing adventures.
Ah...Pam. I am going to play this over and over and over. The men watching are SO GREAT. Way to have a sense of humor.
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