I spent a week studying medicinal plants and learning how to make tinctures and teas, got my Reiki I attunement, had my chakras aligned and balanced, was ¨reconnected¨ to the universal energy, had a crystal healing (very cool!), got a few acupuncture treatments, read at least 6 books, learned about astrology, numerology, alchemy and Atlantis, did yoga every single day, swam at least a dozen times in the sacred Lake Atitlan, and settled into a rewarding meditation routine! It know that it sounds a bit fluffy, but it was delightful to be able to spend so much time just LEARNING and BEING and LISTENING. Total bliss...
We spent the last five days of the course in silence. I withheld solid food for 9 days and completely fasted for 5 of those. In that time, we had a project to do that involved about 20 pages of my journal. The course ended with a very special, positively magical Full Moon Ceremony that I will never forget.
In my class, there was a really fantastic group of people from all over the world. There was Gil from Israel, who is working on an ambitious world peace project; Mat, the adorable musician from LA who travels with his guitar; Mo, the retired nurse now living in Nicaragua; Andrea, the awesome free spirit from Argentina; Ifat, the former accountant creating a new life for herself; and many others. When you have so much time, and share such intense experiences, you tend to grow rather attached to one another! I know I have made many lifetime friends here.
I had been feeling a bit apprehensive about coming home. Not dreading it, but just not really feeling ready.
With love and gratitude,
Oh, Pam. The fact that you have some apprehension about your return shows that it was the right decision to go on your journey in the first place. Just think what you would have missed had you not trusted yourself and moved beyond all of those things that seemed so daunting at first. I so admire you and truly feel the warmth, connectedness, love, community and deep sense of self that you experienced/found on this trip. I miss you and can't wait to welcome you home. Xo
Hi Pam: I am Denny's cousin. I have been following your blog and truly enjoying your adventures, as have many of my friends and other relatives. Please, please join us at our annual Jonason family picnic next month. Your mother has the details. We would all love to meet you. I promise you we are all more like your mother than her husband, so it shouldn't be tooooo painful to hang out with us for an afternoon!! Mary Alice
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